Perhaps nowhere in community services and medicine is the old adage an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure more accurate than in oral health care. That is why patient education is such an important component of care at the Community Smiles clinic.

Community Smiles provides smoking cessation workshops, nutritional counseling workshops, and oral health instruction to all patients as a part of each comprehensive examination.

Additionally, through participation in outreach events, we are able to provide oral health education to members of our community as well.

Our Programs and Services

Preventive & Restorative Services

Community Smiles places an emphasis on delivery of preventative and basic restorative services.

Specialty Dental Care

In addition to preventative and basic care, Community Smiles also provides specialty care.

Dental Assistant Certification Program

Community Smiles provides the clinical training and rotation for LHTEC’s ADA.

Community Outreach and Oral Health Screenings

Community Smiles provides patient education and oral health screenings to over 4,000 community members.

Continuing Education for Professionals

Community Smiles is recognized by the ADA, FDA as an approved provider.